Achievements 2019
Follow the achievements of our students including those in 2019
who took their first solo, gained their wings or added additional ratings.

Mark Wilson
Congratulations to Mark for passing his skills test bright and early this morning.

Mark Ashton
PPL skills test pass today for Mark Ashton. Well done Mark!

Richard Womersley
What a glorious couple of crisp winter days we've had for flying. Making the most of it today was Richard Womersley who completed his first solo flight. Well done Sir!

Marcus Chan
Another night rating completed tonight, in fact this was the sixth of the season to date. Tonight it was Marcus Chan who completed his the final few hours of his night rating, having completed his solo circuits last night. Well done Marcus!

James Macdonald
It's been Super Skills Test Sunday at YAC today. Kicking the proceedings off this morning was Sophie Neumann who successfully passed her PPL skills test, a feat to be matched this afternoon by James MacDonald. Well done guys and gals!

Sophie Neumann
It's been Super Skills Test Sunday at YAC today. Kicking the proceedings off this morning was Sophie Neumann who successfully passed her PPL skills test, a feat to be matched this afternoon by James MacDonald. Well done guys and gals!

Chris Milnes
Great achievement today for Chris Milnes who passed him Instrument Rating (R) having only started the course 2 weeks ago. Given the grim weather and persistent IMC conditions throughout this afternoon, he certainly earned his wings today!

Richard Stockley
Another YAC student gained their wings today. This time it was Richard Stockley that passed his PPL skills test at the first attempt. Well done Richard!

Brendan Raistrick
First solo achievement today for University of Sheffield student Brendan Raistrick. Well done Brendan!

Richard Wong
Perfect way to round off the week with Richard Wong being our FOURTH first time solo student this week!!! Not bad going for October!
John Snowden
Ever wondered how it feels to complete your first solo? It certainly seemed to be memorable for YAC student John Snowden earlier today!

Tom Brown
WOW! Second first solo in as many days. Today it was the turn of Tom Brown to gain his solo wings. Well done Sir!

Dominic Dodd
Congratulations to YAC student Dominic Dodd who today completed his first solo in one of our Cessna 150's. Having just come back to flying following a modest 28 year break, it's fair to say it was about time!

Nathan Armstrong
Benefiting from the recent spell of good weather has been YAC student Nathan Armstrong who has passed his PPL skills test

Abdul Khalid
First solo success today for Abdul Khalid, who piloted the Cessna 172 around the circuit on his own for the first time. Well done Abdul!

Jonathan Bautista-Trimming
Congratulations to Jonathan Bautista-Trimming, who today passed his IMC Rating skills test having only started the course barely two weeks ago. We bet he'll be glad to finally take off those foggles!

Matt Martin
Also this week has seen Matt Martin commplete his IMC rating in minimum hours.

Tony Flinn
Second skills test pass of the week. Today it wasTony Flinn who gained his IMC rating.

Luke Smith
Another YAC student has now gained their wings. Today it was the turn of Luke Smith who gained a first time pass in his PPL skills test. Well done sir!

Kieran Godfree
Double skills test success at YAC this week. Today it was Kieran Godfree who passed his PPL skills test

Kelvin Truswell
Skills test pass today for Kelvin Truswell. Well done Kelvin!

Alex Dean
Congratulations to Alex Dean who has completed his first solo at the helm of a Cessna 150 aircraft. Well done Alex!

Phill Morgan
Another day and another skills test pass. Today it was Phill "Barry" Morgan's turn to gain his Private Pilot's Licence after completing the course in the minimum 45 hours. Well done Phill!

Elton Hove
It might've been the hottest day of the year, but that didn't stop Elton Hove from putting in a sizzling performance to pass his PPL skills test. Having being awarded the Donaldson Scholarship from the Honorable Company of Air Pilots, Elton has completed all of his...

Elliott Stead
Second skills test pass in 24 hours. Today it was Elliott Stead that gained his PPL

Olivier Chen
Skills test success today for Olivier Chen who passed his skills test having completed the course in minimum hours and today

Alex Buxton
Second PPL skills test pass in the space of a week. This time it was Alex Buxton who only started his PPL course a little over 3 weeks ago. Well done Alex - must be a record for the quickest PPL we've seen yet!

Andrew Skinner
YAC saw another of our students gain their wings today. This time it was Andrew Skinner who successfully completed his skills test having got through the course in the minimum 45 hours. Well done Andrew!

Elton Hove
Double solo success today at YAC. First it was Elton Hove who completed his first solo circuit, only to be matched hours later by Steve Pinson. Well done fellas!!!

Steve Pinson
Double solo success today at YAC. First it was Elton Hove who completed his first solo circuit, only to be matched hours later by Steve Pinson. Well done fellas!!!

Arron Bird
Well done to Arron Bird who has passed his skills test for his Private Pilot's Licence. Hour building and ATPL exams next.....

Alex Buxton
Well done to University of Sheffield student Alex Buxton who this week has completed his first solo flight. Congrats Alex!

Rob Monk
Congrats to YAC student Rob Monk who this week has completed his first solo flight. Well done Rob!

Mark Wilson
First solo success today Mark Wilson, taking the controls of G-BBKA for a lap around the circuit for the first time today. Well done Mark!

Dilshad Al-Jumoor
PPL skills test success this week for Dilshad Al Jumoor. Well done Dilshad!

Oliver Wardle
First solo today for Oliver Wardle. Not got a driving licence yet but today Oliver piloted a Cessna 150 aircraft on his own for the first time. Not bad for sixteen....

Phill Morgan
Solo success for Phill Morgan who today completed his first solo flight after only 13 hours of flight training. Well done Captain Morgan!

Rob Green
Skills test success today for Rob Green who has just gained his Instrument (Restricted) Rating in minimum hours. Well done sir!

Luke Smith
Perfect finish to the glorious Easter weekend of weather with Luke Smith completing his first solo flight. Well done Luke!

Matt Martin
Another YAC student has today gained his wings. Well done to Matt Martin who has passed his PPL skills test at the first attempt.

Dariusz Palusiak
Second skills test pass of the week. This time it was Dariusz Palusiak that gained his wings.

Jordan Baker
PPL skills test pass today for Jordan Baker

Jacob Didsbury
Congratulations to Jacob Didsbury who has achieved a first time pass in his PPL skills test.

Steve Walton
Successful IMC skills test pass this evening for Steve Walton. Well done Sir!

Olivier Chen
It's not been the greatest week for flying but thankfully we had a respite from the wind and rain today to allow University of Sheffield student Olivier Chen to complete his first solo flight. Well done Olivier!

Suhaas Rajan
Yet another Skills Test pass, in fact the seventh of the month at YAC. Today it was University of Sheffield student Suhaas Rajan who has gained his PPL following the completion of his night rating earlier in the week. Well done Suhaas! Hopefully now that you've...

Aiden Pyne
Another YAC student has now gained their wings. Today it was the turn of Aiden Pyne who gained a first time pass in his PPL skills test. Well done sir!

Suhaas Rajan
Although the evenings are getting brighter, Suhaas Rajan did an evening shift to gain his Night Rating as part of his PPL training. Hopefully doing his final skills test next week.

Mason Cairns
Another skills test pass. Today it was Mason Cairns who gained his PPL

Josh Jackson
PPL skills test passed today by Josh Jackson. So excited he could barely look!

Charlie Woodward
Solo success doesn't come much sweeter than this. At 16 years of age and after barely 10 hours of flight training, Charlie Woodward today completed his first solo flight, captaining a Cessna 152 around the circuit. Destined for bigger, shinier machines, it's only a...

Fabio Tozzi
Tonight was the turn of Fabio Tozzi who passed his Instrument Rating (Restricted) test - even if he was busted peeping under the foggles on his revision session!

David Lam
Skills test success today for David Lam who passed his PPL skills test on the first attempt. Well done David - you persevered and you succeeded! Night rating next....

Paul Ironmonger
First time pass today for Paul Ironmonger, who has now gained his Instrument Rating (Restricted). Well done Paul. Keep shooting those ILS's!

Billy Hall
First solo today for Billy Hall out of Doncaster Sheffield Airport, successfully captaining a Cessna (not the biz jet!) around the circuit. Well done Billy!

Mark Ashton
Today Mark Ashton completed his first ever solo circuit at Doncaster Sheffield Airport.

Elliott Stead
Congratulations to Elliot Stead, who today completed his first solo flight, captaining G-BZBF around the circuit on his own for the first time
Student Achievements
PPL Skills Test Pass
Mark Wilson 05/12/2019
Mark Ashton 01/12/2019
James Macdonald 27/10/2019
Sophie Neumann 27/10/2019
Richard Stockley 20/10/2019
Nathan Armstrong 29/08/2019
Luke Smith 18/08/2019
Keiran Godfree 07/08/2019
Kelvin Truswell 04/08/2019
Phill Morgan 26/07/2019
Elton Hove 25/07/2019
Elliott Stead 22/07/2019
Olivier Chen 21/07/2019
Alex Buxton 12/07/2019
Andrew Skinner 07/07/2019
Arron Bird 23/06/2019
Dilshad Al-Jumoor 24/05/2019
Matt Martin 21/04/2019
Dariusz Palusiak 14/04/2019
Jordan Baker 11/04/2019
Jacob Didsbury 10/04/2019
Suhaas Rajan 27/02/2019
Aiden Pyne 26/02/2019
Mason Cairns 18/02/2019
Josh Jackson 17/02/2019
David Lam 15/02/2019
First Solo
Richard Womersley 19/11/2019
Brendan Raistrick 15/10/2019
Richard Wong 05/10/2019
John Snowden 03/10/2019
Tom Brown 02/10/2019
Dominic Dodd 30/09/2019
Abdul Khalid 26/09/2019
Alex Dean 30/07/2019
Elton Hove 06/07/2019
Steve Pinson 06/07/2019
Alex Buxton 21/06/2019
Rob Monk 16/06/2019
Mark Wilson 06/06/2019
Oliver Wardle 18/05/2019
Phill Morgan 11/05/2019
Luke Smith 22/04/2019
Olivier Chen 08/03/2019
Charlie Woodward 16/02/2019
Billy Hall 06/02/2019
Mark Ashton 30/01/2019
Elliott Stead 05/01/2019
IR(R) Skills Test Pass
Chris Milnes 25/10/2019
Jonathan Bautista-Trimming 10/09/2019
Matt Martin 29/08/2019
Tony Flinn 20/08/2019
Rob Green 29/04/2019
Steve Walton 22/03/2019
Fabio Tozzi 16/02/2019
Paul Ironmonger 12/02/2019
Night Rating
Oliver Wardle 3/12/2019
Luke Smith 19/11/2019
Chris Atkinson 18/11/2019
Marcus Chan 06/11/2019
Andrew Haig 31/10/2019
Elliott Stead 30/10/2019
Dariusz Palusiak 23/10/2019
Rob Barratt 17/10/2019
Matt Martin 21/04/2019
Suhaas Rajan 26/02/2019